Friday, 13 March 2015

The Best UAV (Drone) setup

As a professional photographer and commercial UAV pilot I often get asked by fellow photographers, what type pf aircraft should I buy to do house photos, film for TV or movies etc....The answer is simple. To get the very best images from your drone filming I recommend you use the most stable flying platform you can afford. This could be a mini quad copter like a DJI phantom with a built in camera, a mid range UAV such as the DJI S900 carrying the Panasonic GH4 or heavy lift Octocopter like the Sky Jib, built to carry anything up to a Red Epic. As important as the aircraft are the two other elements, your camera which needs to give outstanding results and your gimbal which holds the camera in place. I use the aeronavics Xm8 multicopter for reliability, its a medium lift UAV capable of carrying most DSLR cameras even with a zoom lens. I use the Canon 5D for fantastic 21meg still images and a Panasonic GH4 mirror-less camera for lightweight 4k filming. To keep all the action super stable as I fly, I use the FreeFly Movi M5 gimbal which in my opinion is the most stable gimbal in the world when using our flying set up. It can also be taken off the aircraft and used as a hand held camera stabilizer for ground based shots which give me even filming opportunities. This combination of reliability, quality and stability will give your production, the value needed to create the perfect flyovers and stunning still images. Happy Flying Phil Pilot and photographer with If you need any help and advice on all things UAV please feel free to get in touch.


  1. Oh that is one badd ass setup you have there my friend! I can only imagine how fun it is to work with that :) But, for me, and most of the "filmmakkers" beginners, this is pretty much out of reach as it is quite an expensive collection of filming gadgets. However, there are cheaper alternatives that can also make some pretty jawdropping footage. For example, here is an article that includes the reviews of some of the best drones for filming. You can check it out here:
