Friday, 13 March 2015

Whats expected from a UAV opperator

Yesterday I did a fantastic, family photoshoot for a BBC TV editor based in London in my studio in Yorkshire. After walking around my studio prior to his shoot, his eyes fell on the big, framed pictures of my UAV in action for various Tv companies on my studio wall. He then saw my Man Cave! The room where I park and service my aerial drones. Firstly he had no idea a studio based in Halifax, West Yorkshire is involved with so many major TV shoots but secondly he went on to express his pleasure in working with unnamed aerial footage taken from professional photographers. Now I always like to educate if I can during these little blogs so here's the point of this little ramble. If your looking to book a drone (uav) for your film/TV project think about what you want to achieve from your flying. A professional photographer or film maker who has a commercial Uav pilots licence, is going to give you something special. Photographers are trained to give you perfectly exposed images, they understand everything about their camera. The P setting is not for professional, its for doing a job when you don't understand your kit. A professional photographer knows how to frame a shoot perfectly, they know the production crews terminology they know what format they need the stills or footage handing over in. They understand photography. My conversation with the editor went rambling on and here's advice for fellow Uav pilots who are new to the industry. Producers want, Footage in focus, Exposed correctly, Correct white balance. Shutter fixed to the correct speed Aperture set and fixed. Smooth pan and tilts. Creative and dynamic shots un-achievable from a jib. Shots held for about 5 seconds at the start and end of your clip to give the editor a chance of cutting the film better. Just a few of the things you must understand. And that's before we go into flying your aircraft. If you have a project where a Uav might be needed and would like some free advice or quote please get in touch via linked in or email, Always happy to help Phil

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